Brand And Tradermark RegistaryBrand And Trademark
A Name, logo, slogan or design that is registered with UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADERMARK OFFICE known as USPTO, will give you ownership and persumed or decided rights of that specific name, logo, slogan or desing. This is the right to use the specific registered brand nationawide with complete protection. A trademark registration will boost your brand and you can use a symbol ® with you brand, slogan or service to give the worlf a sense of ownership.
With a brand ort rademark registery you can avoide copycats, your design theafts, and can sue others for your product/brand/ tradermark use without permission from its legal owner.
Basic Pack - Trademark Registration (USA)
federal database search only
- Datebase search for your name/logo/matching entries already filed and new pending applications
- Includes Federal database search of $150 (included in pack)
- Govt. Application fee per class/service $350 (one class fee is included)
- for additional classes there will be a govt. fee of $350 per class/service
- Application will be processed in 5-10 business days, this time is required to do database search for any name/slogan matching with the name presented by applicant
- Application processing time with USPTO is 5 business days.
- Processing time for review from examining officer is 5 months
- Notification of approval/denial from USPTO is 7 -11 months
- * For details about timeline please check FAQ section
Business Pack - Trademark Registration (USA)
federal+state database search
- Datebase search for your name/logo/matching entries already filed and new pending applications
- Includes Federal + State database search of $149 (included in pack)
- Govt. Application fee per class/service $350 (one class fee is included)
- for additional classes there will be a govt. fee of $350 per class/service
- Application will be processed in 5-10 business days, this time is required to do database search for any name/slogan matching with the name presented by applicant
- Application processing time with USPTO is 5 business days.
- Processing time for review from examining officer is 5 months
- Notification of approval/denial from USPTO is 7 -11 months
- * For details about timeline please check FAQ section
Pro Pack - Trademark Registration (USA)
federal+ state+ common law database search
- Datebase search for your name/logo/matching entries already filed and new pending applications
- Includes Federal + State + Common Law database search of $300 (included in pack)
- Govt. Application fee per class/service $350 (one class fee is included)
- for additional classes there will be a govt. fee of $350 per class/service
- Application will be processed in 5-10 business days, this time is required to do database search for any name/slogan matching with the name presented by applicant
- Application processing time with USPTO is 5 business days.
- Processing time for review from examining officer is 5 months
- Notification of approval/denial from USPTO is 7 -11 months
- * For details about timeline please check FAQ section
Terms & Conditions:
- First we will do a complete search of your proposed name as you asked for in required order. it will take around 5-10 business days, may take longer if you require more extensive search as in pro pack. After that we will work on your application and request you govt filing fee of $350 , check your application and sign paper work. After receiving your application required govt. fee and signed papers we will submit it to USPTO. You will receive a serial number of your application to look for its status.
- When your application is publicly available. You can use your TM mark whenever you wish. Once filled with USPTO, you are considered in line. Many applicants also use TM symbol next to their name, slogan or logo to show they are claiming the rights.
- Stay compliant with IRS and your company home state taxes. States require companies and individuals to file taxes monthly / quarterly or yearly basis. (To file your taxes check our Tax filing Service above.)
- For any help contact us or chat with us.
- There is also FED charged on all package fees for payment from Pakistan (home country of our company). Please note your invoice of all orders will include FED (for packages all around the globe except where VAT applies).
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